Monday, February 25, 2008

It's quittin' time!

It's quittin' time!

(Was that offensive?)

I'm quitting at Marsh, the world's largest insurance brokerage (Find the Upside in Risk!). I'm quitting to intern at the Public three days a week instead of two, and there's no point in me staying at Marsh for two days.

Off to Poor City, to find a new job ASAP please!!

Those Oscars....

Good for Marion Cotillard (I guess? I haven't seen the movie)

My fave outfits:

1) Marion Cotillard -- her hair was especially great:

2) Julie Christie -- I know, I know, those gloves, and those grandma Easter shoes, but her look was ultimately smart and chic and different, not trying to compete with all those other bitches out there. She's tops.

3) Tilda Swinton -- don't hurt me everyone. I loved her getup. She's a crazy bitch and she totally owned it. The fact that she won only makes the get-up hotter.

Yay pour les Oscars! I couldn't care too much less. I didn't even see most of them -- I was watching Justin Bond at PS 122, who probably has the best wardrobe of all these ladies:

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