Thursday, March 13, 2008

Just do it

Why is the default mechanism simply to resign?

Now Governor Spitzer is indeed under criminal investigation, so that's appropriate ultimately.

But Geraldine Ferraro? Because she made some ur-racist comments that "may" "inject" race into the Presidential campaign?

And even back to Don Imus, with his "slur" against the Rutgers (right?) women basketball players and Isaiah Washington's "faggot" blech on Grey's Anatomy.

Does it not occur to anyone that there are indeed people out there who feel hatefully toward others? What, precisely, does resigning accomplish?

This whole witch hunt mindset started with Clinton's stupendously, sublimely ridiculous almost-impeachment over a technicality surrounding an embarrassing discussion about Monica Lewinsky -- a highly private indiscretion that did not hamper his ability to govern (except to further enrage his opponents) but provided fodder for people to demand super-morals from their elected officials.

This is identity politics smearing and fear and loathing of non-Christian sexuality.


This is people (mostly) butting into to other people's business. Get the fuck out of my life, wiretapping and 24 hour cable news networks.

Ugh, none of that probably makes entire sense. Does anybody else feel me on this? Discuss. Maybe I'll articulate myself better in discussion.

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