Friday, March 14, 2008

I don't know what this means, but fuck

25% of Hillary supporters would vote for McCain if Obama gets the nomination. Way to go, Hillary.

(Can't get the link to work, go here:)


A recent PEW poll shows that 10% of Democrats who support Obama would defect and vote for McCain should Hillary become the candidate. But, a whopping 25% of Democrats who support Hillary would defect and vote for McCain should Obama become the candidate.

1 comment:

Mark Jaynes said...

I'm sickened.

What I glean from this:

a) Hillary is obviously tearing the Democratic party apart. On any normal election cycle I wouldn't care about this--to hell with the Dems and the GOP and the whole system. But it is, clearly, different this time. There is the chance of something good to actually come of it and she is determined to keep the polarized status quo or burn it all down.

b) Hillary doesn't give a fuck about America. That is clear. She wants that office no matter what it takes. If she can't win the Democratic nomination (which she fucking CAN'T), perhaps she'll vie for McCain's VP.

c) The more Hillary sticks around and continues to do such damage the closer I get to that 10%. Nader isn't sounding like such a bad option right now.

If you haven't seen this:

check it out. It's an incredibly well-reasoned article dealing with this outcry of old-guard "feminists" against Obama supporters. It makes several great points, one of which is that if the roles were reversed, with Hillary as the clear nominee, Obama would not hear the end of the demands to get off the stage. He would be reamed.